Climate Change & Covid Crisis
Share your Creative Moments & Projects here
Arising in these hugely unprecedented Times
Poetry, prose, painting, photography, gardens, sculpture, knitting, cooking, jewellery, et al
Email photographs of your work to Lorna at
who will post them on this page
October 2020
Prudence Jones
June investigated astrology as a means of charting the unconscious. Astrological symbolism assumes that the cycles of human behaviour (the collective unconscious) are correlated with the cycles of stars and planets as seen from earth. I’ll be explaining this further in the winter Chronicle, but for the moment, in the midst of Covid panic, bear with the hypothesis and read on about current developments – which come as no surprise to astrologers.
For many years astrologers have been looking ahead to 2020 as the year of the Great Financial Reset. Three great planetary cycles, of 12 years, 20 years, and 42 years long respectively, converge (most unusually) within less than 10Ëš of arc for most of this year in a major area of the sky associated with business and finance. Since in late March they were joined by the 2-year cycle of the fiery planet Mars, something explosive was bound to happen. It was of course the recognition of a global pandemic, the worldwide emergency measures meant to contain it, and the economic reconfiguration that these brought about.
And since the March convergence was going to be triggered three times again by planet Mars, we had the dates on which the occurrences and reactions of 20th March to 1st April would be revisited. The first hit, from 4th-25th August, was a straightforward challenge to the lockdown of late March. By mid-May, when the last of the planets involved had gone into apparent reverse motion as seen from Earth, one by one the restrictions had been cautiously eased and the pandemic itself was going into reverse, with infections and deaths bottoming out. So the August challenge from Mars saw a burst of exuberance in the UK, with picnics and “eating out to help out” in newly-reopened restaurants. Many people thought the pandemic had gone away, but the medics weren’t fooled – nor were the astrologers.
We are now in the middle of the second hit, 29th September to 17th October. Infection rates have rocketed (inc. Donald Trump on 2nd October – this period also covers the Presidential debates) and emergency measures to prevent mingling and transmission are being re-imposed in the UK– with considerable resistance from the communities affected. 10th and 17th October are crunch dates in this recalibration of the March initiatives. Consider nothing settled until the last 10 days of October.
The final challenge from Mars, when some kind of agreement can be reached on how to deal with the pandemic and its economic fallout in the long term, comes on 20th December, 12th and 23rd January. Prepare for a sober and responsible Christmas and New Year! There may be news of a vaccine or a treatment, or the world economy may have reached a consensus on how to deal with the economic fallout, but the panic should by then have come to an end.
All of these dates are doubly highlighted, as they overlap with others, which look ahead to the “new normal” that will follow the pandemic. 21st December, winter solstice eve, sees the beginning of a new 20-year business cycle, which is also the beginning of a new 800-year social cycle, about which I’ll be writing in the Chronicle. And 12th-14th and 21st January kick-start a year-long quarrel between Saturn, planet of conservatism, and Uranus, planet of revolution. Expect some intense political arguments over social planning and macro-economics then, and be sure to safeguard your assets beforehand.
In this short article I’ve omitted details of particular events and of the geometry of the planetary cycles involved. The geometry is simply there and is indisputable. The interpretation of its symbolism is of course astrology and thus contentious. But if anybody wants to know more I can be contacted at
Judy Hanmer - Summer 2020
(more info to follow)
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This amazing plant has flowered at Les & Dorothy's home. They say it flowers every ten years? And here it is ! During Covid Times ! Thomas tells us that, It’s botanical name is Yucca filamentosa and one of its common names is Adam’s Needle after the hard pointed tips of he leaves. It is native to the Southeastern United States. It was an important plant to Native Americans who used its fibres for cord and cloth (and maybe its leaves with which to sew these?), and the roots as a shampoo.
June 2020
Some Gifts from the CJC Creative Arts Group
10 April 2020 ©Richard Barwell
We are having a swanny time too with them coming to sleep on our somewhat stony beach. The other evening as the tide was slowly running out two white ghosts floated in, undulating on the wavelets, until grounded and then waddled up a bit and sank down, curved their necks over their backs and dozed off.
Next morning they had gone so I imagined the tide returning in the night and gently floating them away in the darkness.
This is part of a very long established tribe along this coast that I have watched for at least half a century.
2 April 2020 Richard Barwell
More Gifts from the CJC Creative Arts Group
Am enjoying a swan on her nest along the lode
and various muntjac sightings
to say nothing of the blossom
02 April 2020 Rosemary Crump
Crow sits in the thick
white blossom
Startled by my passing
he flies off
(A nearly haiku)
10 April 2020 Rosemary Crump
My daughter and I have just had a walk on the edge of Haslingfield at
4pm ish - newish plantation and fields, and much to our delight a barn owl was quartering and came quite near.
Beautiful and unexpected
01 April 2020 Liz Roman
of S-shaped liquid cat
through tiny door gap
10 April 2020 Clarissa Cochran
Not having to rush about anywhere, I went for a walk in the sunshine and sat for a while near the stream that flows through Linton (the Rhee or the Granta it is called) and finally joins the river Cam. The birds were singing mightily; I watched a pheasant wading across the stream (its v shallow just now) and a robin flew full tilt across a gap and nearly collided with me. I was reminded that we heard that the people of Wuhan can see the blue sky again, and hear the birds sing. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could go back to a simpler way of living. I saw the tiniest shrew in my allotment shed a week or so ago. He/she was velvety black and shiny. I was sorry to have disturbed her. But I looked her up and found that she was, indeed, a pygmy shrew and quite rare. What a charmer!
04 April 2020 Caroline Connell
10 April 2020 ©Richard Barwell
Dear Lorna, I read your epic poem a couple of hours ago and am still reeling! I found it to resonate so powerfully with unformed unexpressed layers of misery re what we have been doing to the world and one another - I am still tearful. I am bemused by what is picked up on in the news and what is ignored, e.g the refugee crisis. It seems there are huge numbers trying to flee their homes in India, walking huge distances with no money, CV being eclipsed by hunger and they are being sent back again. The situation likened to 'partition' in 1947. The spread of CV in the camps doesn't bear thinking about ..
Quite extraordinary how Gaia forces us to see sense - i.e.creates the situation where we have a common 'enemy' globally rather than one another, making competition rather than sharing a nonsense -(even the football world is starting to wake up!). And enabling people to become closer to and appreciate the natural world instead of exploiting it - (if she doesn't overdo it and wipe us out). And strangely closer to one another through physical distancing ..
02 April 2020 Clarissa Cochran
Thanks so much for all the Wonderful shared experiences . Lorna’s hard hitting epic was memorable and so heartfelt . I had already felt that the Earth was seeing apocalyptic events - fires, floods, locusts. This latest awfulness does add another plague to the list but hopefully Gaia will come through and heal. Even more communicating with sometimes long lost friends is a bonus (as well as the hoards of tiny tadpoles in my minute pond and the 2 newts there that I saw today ) 04 April 2020 Liz Roman
A fairy tale that unfolded onto the page, through Lorna McNeur, on 31 March 2020
This Fairy Tale is Our True Story
From the Horrors of Our Darkest Days
to The Hope Shining Through Creatively
Once Upon a Planet
In a far away Time
There were plants and animals and humans
Who Lived in harmony together
Loving and respecting each other
And in balance with their Mothership
Planet Earth
As they all grew together
Through many thousands of years
The humans began discovering
How to be very clever
With their hands and their minds
They made communities
That grew and grew and grew
So large that after many more
Thousands of years
There became not enough room
for the Animals of Planet Earth
They also discovered a thing called money
and became so in love with it
That after a while
Nothing but money mattered
And eventually caused Disaster and Tragedy
All over Mothership Planet Earth
The Rain forests were felled
to make money money money
Gorilla and Orangutang families crushed
The horror of watching their loved ones killed
Wandering bewildered, alone and lost, in the devastation
after losing their parents, babies, families, community
to crashing trees being felled by money hungry corporations
Stealing the Planet of Life giving Oxygen for All
(The equivalent for humans would be to experience
The tall towers of international cities falling upon them
with no warning, help, explanation or support)
Elephant families
watching their Loved ones Slaughtered mercilessly
before their very eyes
by poachers greedy for money
Amazing birds and insects
All the extraordinary creatures worldwide
All senselessly brutally smashed and killed
And other Animals were born into the world
to be eaten by the humans
or to be used for the milk that their bodies created
Animals turned into products
for human consumption
Boys born to die and be eaten
Girls born as slaves to make milk and eggs
and killed when they could no longer produce
The Polar Icecaps melted from the Planet overheating
Polar bears and penguins began starving
And all of the magnificent Oceans
And their extraordinary Creatures dying
from the senseless behaviours of the Human Race
This was Tragedy on unimaginable scales
This once beautiful Planet became so out of balance
That the voracious appetite of ever-growing humankind
had become its own monster
There is a Native American Saying:
‘When the last tree is felled
the last animal killed
no clean water left
and the plants grow no more
In the end
you cannot eat money’
But for hundreds of years
Nobody listened to these Wise Words
of these Wise Peoples and many other Wise Cultures
Who worshipped and respected Balance
of the Earth, Seasons, Plants, Animals, and All
They were also crushed by the money monsters
But finally one day
Millions of Humans began waking up
to All that was happening
and tried hard to help change
the Crisis of Climate on Planet Earth
They tried and tried
but the Governments
and Big Businesses
Were not Listening
Money was the Leader now
Parts of the World were so dry that
Huge fires raged destroying so many Lands
Floods drowned peoples villages and towns
Earthquakes and Tsunami’s flattened Cities and Lives
The Children then Rose up
They stopped going to school
because they said
Without a Future
We do not need school
All around the Globe
They marched in the Streets
To wake-up Everyone
to Save the Planet
But still the Government
and Big Businesses
Were not Listening
They were on a Train
That could Not be Stopped
Planet Earth Herself had mines drilled deep into her core
Earth products being sold for money money money
Wars waging between countries worldwide
over these products
And her Beautiful Animals and Plants Being eaten Alive
By the money mind that had taken over the Human Race
The Humans simply could not stop themselves
And many were able to blind themselves
From the horrors being inflicted on others
That were beyond their immediate surrounds
They simply could Not Stop
This Monster that they had Created
And Lo and Behold, as in All True Fairy Tales
Suddenly Something Huge Happened
From one of the tiniest creatures on the Planet
Came a Bug that Stopped All Humans in their Tracks
Nothing but such a Huge Force could stop the Human Race
Nothing but such a Huge - Larger than Life Force
From a tiny invisible creature
Could take All the planes out of the Sky
Stop the Vast majority of Cars
Reduce the Pollution Drastically
Stop the World from going to work
Give Humans time at Home
With their Loved Ones
Catching up with their Selves
and tending to Home and Life
in ways they had been longing to, forever
And the Government paying them to do so
And Big Businesses offering some help & support
Along with All this also came the Human Horror
Some people feeling lonely and isolated and scared
Fearing Death and Losing Loved Ones
Needing but not having the reassuring touch
and presence of their loved ones whilst in lock down
The shock of the sudden loss of loved ones
Not being able to be with them at their Death bed
In their Hour of Need
Tearing the hearts of surviving Loved ones
The huge death toll - massive mortuaries
in public buildings and tents
to hold many thousands of bodies
Ongoing horrifying struggles
of the war-torn and poorest people on Earth
being hit even harder
than their already agonising lives
In which death
Sometimes felt like a Blessing
All countries on Mothership Earth
Now had the same Invisible Foe
And could not attack back in the usual war-like ways
The front-line soldiers became the Medical professionals
And losing them, could then mean, probably losing All
This was World War III, Like they Never Imagined
Scientists say it is a Deadly Virus
Spiritual Minds wonder
If it is the Dis-ease of Humanity
Brought on by the Horror
of Completely Losing Sight
of All that Really Matters
to Human Beings in Our Hearts
Being in Balance and Harmony
With Mothership Earth
And All Animals and Plants
All Living Together Respectfully
THE BIG SLEEP - Dreaming the Planet
And those who had Homes
Went inside
And those who didn’t
Huddled up in corners
And some went to sleep for one-hundred years
And some went to sleep forever and ever
And became The Ancestors
And they all dreamed of their beloved Home Earth
And dreamed of Her Healing
And the Plants and Trees growing back again
And the Animals Healing
Growing their Homes and Communities again
And the waters cleansing all over the Earth
And the Oceans & Creatures
Great and Small
And some people dreamed poems
About Beloved Mothership Earth*
And When All the Humans woke up again
After one hundred years
Behold, Mothership Earth was Strong and Beautiful
And those who were children
Before the Big Sleep
Were now all Grown up in many Generations
And Knew the Wisdom of Balance
In Nature, Plants, Animals, and Humans
Forever and Ever !
Written with Love
31 March 2020
©Lorna McNeur
* Kitty O'Meara's
now famous poem
touches the hearts of millions
Published here with the Author's permission
"In the Time of Pandemic
And the people stayed home.
And they read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still.
And they listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.
And the people healed.
And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.
And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.
There is Hope
We are only a few months into this Global crisis
in which All the Countries of the Entire World
For the First time ever in Human History
Share the Very Same Problem
Struggling Equally and Learning from Each Other
Rather than fighting amongst ourselves
Something Very Different is happening
What have we Learned already?
Governments Globally are following each others’ examples
in implementing changes to cope with the Pandemic
Even from countries with long histories of war and disdain
Governments have made it clear that
For the first time in Many Ages
Human Lives are more important than Money
More important than:
Planes in the air
Billions of commuting cars
Big Businesses Making Money
And people working in offices
The Governments and Big Business have Learned that
They are Nothing without their People and Workforce
They must take Great Care of them or perhaps Lose All
The Elders are given respect and priority
in the healthcare and food shopping queues
In Many ways
Crisis is bringing out the Best in Humankind as well
Communities forming to look after each other
Their elderly, & vulnerable members
However and concurrently
If we could only Also Realise
Our Elders’ - Wealth of Life Experience
as Wise Words for Disastrous Times
Letting the Elderly go
in triage formations
Could be at our own Peril
Many people are reporting seeing more wild animals out & about … deer … owl … pheasant ... pygmie shrew !
Creeping out from hiding - maybe feeling safer with fewer humans outside?
People hearing more of the birds singing now because they are not drowned out by traffic noise !
Heard a horse whinnying in the distance today.
It was beautiful :) Our Nature Connections are Growing !
Huge Reductions in Future Flying & Planet Pollution
With billions of people working from home worldwide
and having successful internet group meetings internationally
Companies are seeing that they don’t have to fly millions of people, internationally anymore
But can save billions of pounds/dollars/etc
NOT flying their people in planes all around the world
But can carry on with internet communications and save mega ‘Big Bucks’ too
THIS of course could drastically lower pollution levels and probably help Climate Crisis
There are many Lessons Already Being Learned
In a very short period of time thus far
And Many More Lessons to Come
This is Mothership Earth’s - ‘Healing Crisis’
Lets Hope we come out of it Alive
And Ready to work together
with the Plants and Animals
in Healing Our Beloved Home - Planet Earth
There is still so much more to Learn …
What have you noticed so far ?
What Else Are We Learning ?
Send Your Learnings and Sightings to Lorna at
who can post them here on this page
Or you can write on our CJC FaceBook page