DREAMS, STORIES, MYTHOLOGY, ALCHEMY (to be further catalogued)

The Myth of the Goddess Anne Baring and Jules Cashford

Myth and Today's Consciousness Ean Begg

The Cult of Black Virgin Ean Begg

The Cult of Black Virgin Ean Begg

The Gods of England Brian Branston

The Golden Age of Myth & Legend Thomas Bulfinch

The Chymical Wedding Lindsay Clarke

Accidental Mythology Joseph Campbell

Oriental Mythology Joseph Campbell

The Monsters in the Mind Frank Cawson

The Secret of the Golden Flower Thomas Cleary

The Hero Journey in Dreams Jean Dalby Clift and Wallace B. Clift

Symbols of Transformation in Dreams Jean Dalby Clift & Wallace B. Clift

Ancient Wisdom Vivianne & Christopher Crowley

Women who Run with Wolves Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Women who Run with Wolves Clarissa Pinkola Estes

The Hermetica Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy

Women's Dionysian Initiation Linda Fierz-David

Ancient Egypt Joann Fletcher

Pilgrim Timothy Findley

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

The White Goddess Robert Graves

The Completed Illustrated Stories of The Brothers Grimm

Storymaking in Bereavement Alida Gersie

Dreams and Nightmares J. A. Hadfield

The Way of all Women M. Esther Harding

The Way of All Women M. Esther Harding

Woman's Mysteries Ancient and Modern M. Esther Harding

Woman's Mysteries M. Esther Harding

Divine Madness John R. Haule

Servants of the Sacred Dream Linda Hartley

Healing Quest Marie Herbert

Healing Quest Marie Herbert

The Myth of Analysis James Hillman

Dreams C. G. Jung

The Grail Legend Emma Jung Marie Louise von Franz

The Grail Legend Emma Jung Marie Louise von Franz

The Elements of Dreamwork Strephon Kaplan-Williams

The Elements of Dreamwork Strephon Kaplan-Williams

The Shaman's Doorway Stephen Larsen

Mythology C. Scott Littleton

Mythology C. Scott Littleton

Woman Earth and Spirit Helen M. Luke

The Wise Old Man Pieter Middelkopp

The Dreambody in Relationships Arnold Mindell

The Great Mother Erich Neumann

Descent to the Goddess Sylvia Brinton Perera

Shadow and Evil in Fairytales Marie-Louise von Franz

Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales Marie-Louise von Franz

The Psychological Meaning of Redemption Motifs in Fairytales Marie-Louise von Franz